You surely have heard of the American Bully breed as It is one of the most popular dog breeds in the US, England, and Australia in recent years.
Let’s compare this gentle giant among its peers and other similar breeds.
What Exactly is XXL American Bully?

The XXL American Bully is a breed of dog that is quickly becoming popular worldwide. They are popular among families with youngsters because of their mild nature.
The XXL American Bully may be the perfect breed for you if you want a large, cuddly dog that will be your best friend. These dogs love to play and spend time with their families and will make a great addition to any home.
The Pit Bull Terrier has a poor reputation in the media, but the XXL American Bullies are a breed that was developed with the goal of being kind and loving. They are not aggressive by nature and make great pets for people of all ages.
So, What Exactly is an XXL Bully?
Unlike Pit Bulls, Pit Bull Terriers, and American Staffordshire Terriers, XXL American Bullies have an excellent reputation and are not considered dangerous dogs. XXL American Bullies are dogs known for having a friendly temperament.
The pedigree for the XXL American Bully can be traced back to the early 1990s when breeders began to breed American Pit Bull Terriers for size selectively. The goal was to create a dog that would weigh more than 100 pounds and measure taller at the shoulder than most other Pit Bulls.
American Bully XXL: Size and Weight Comparison
Let’s look at how the XXL American Bully compares in size and weight to other bully breeds.
Males Height: 21-24 inches at the shoulder
Males Weight: 90-130 pounds
Females Height: 18-21 inches at the shoulder
Females Weight: 70-110 pounds
XXL Bully vs. Pocket Pit
The XXL American Bully is also much larger than the Pocket Pit. A Pocket Pit will weigh between 25 and 40 pounds, while an XXL bully will weigh between 120 and 200 pounds.
XXL Bully vs. Standard American Bully
The XXL American Bully is also much larger than the standard American Bully. A standard American Bully will weigh between 60 and 90 pounds, while an XXL bully will weigh between 120 and 200 pounds.
XXL Bully vs. XL Bully
The XXL American Bullies are much larger and heavier dogs than the XL American Bullies. An XXL bully will typically weigh between 120 and 200 pounds, while an XL American bully will weigh between 70 and 100 pounds.
XXL American Bullies are the most giant bully breed currently recognized by the American Kennel Club and the United Kennel Club.
The XXL American Bully is quickly becoming famous as a family dog for those looking for a larger, cuddlier dog. These dogs are noted for their amiable nature, and they are excellent companions for people of all ages.
American Bully XXL Puppies
American Bully XXL puppies are available from breeders all over the world. If you are interested in adding an XXL American Bully to your family, contact a reputable breeder and ask about availability.
This little furry friend, puppies like other dogs such as pitbull, are no strangers to hard work. They need to be taken on a long walk every day and have plenty of space to run around and play.
What is the XXL Luxor Bullys?
XXL Luxor Bullys is a Bully Breeder specializing in XXL American Bully breeds.
If you are interested in owning an XXL American Bully, visiting this breeder is a great resource. They specialize in this American Bully breed larger variant. Like the American Pit Bull Terrier with a weight range of 120-200 lbs and a height range of 20-24 inches at the shoulder, this dog breed, like other dogs of the bully breed type, is muscular and stocky.
American Bully XXL: Physical Characteristics
Quality of XXL Bullies dog breed or American Bully XXL as a canine is known to breeders and enthusiasts. The physical characteristics of the XXL American Bully are generally the same as those of the standard American Bully.
American Bully XXL Dog is known for better health, quality, and less aggression than a terrier and different colors like the Blue Bullies.
The following are some of the physical characteristics of the XXL American Bully:
• Heavier and taller than the standard American Bully
• Has a broad chest and powerful shoulders
• Muscular and stocky build
The American XXL and American Bully XL are quickly becoming the most popular choice for families looking for a larger, cuddlier dog.
American Bully XXL: Breeding and Stud Service
American XXL Bully and American Bully XL alike, due to their massive structure that terriers, pitbull, and American Staffordshire terriers share, are considered the best dogs for breeding and stud services.
XXL Bullies and XL Bullies are raised for their excellent pedigree and health, making them a perfect foundation for breeding programs. XXL Bullies breeders devised various ways to make this breeds’ offspring available for sale and stud services like its predecessors such as the PitBull, American Pit Bull Terrier, and the American Staffordshire Terrier.
XL Bullies and XXL Bullies through kennels like the United Kennel UKC and American Kennel Club breeders may offer stud services with health guarantees and puppies for sale to approved homes. Frozen Seed may also be available for shipment worldwide for this breed and pitbull alike.
The Stud fee and puppies on sale may vary from a couple hundred to several thousand dollars, and it is worth it for breeders to keep the XXL American Bully and American Bully XL bloodline going. You may visit their website or download their app for more details.
Final Thoughts
Like its smaller breed type XL Bully counterpart, American XXL Bully Bully is making its way to being one of the most popular family dogs in the world. They are known for their friendly temperament, good health, and muscular build.
If you are interested in adding an XXL American Bully to your family, contact a reputable breeder and ask about availability.
It’s time to enjoy your incredible life together with your XXL Bully!