How To Potty Train An American Bully Puppy Step by step

Suppose you have just brought a new American Bully puppy into your life and home. Congratulations! This is an extraordinary time for both of you. One of the first things you will need is potty training your puppy. Potty training can be a challenge, but don’t worry – we are here to help!

Do you have a new American Bully puppy?

Potty training a puppy can seem daunting, but it can be a relatively straightforward process if you have the proper knowledge and patience. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step potty training process for American Bully puppies.

By following our guide, you will be able to successfully potty train your American Bully puppy in no time! Puppy potty training is an essential milestone in your pup’s life – make sure to do it right the first time.

What is Potty Training?

Before we get into the step-by-step walkthrough guide, let’s first talk about what potty training is—the process of teaching your puppy to relieve themselves in an appropriate place – usually outdoors.

It is vital to start the training as soon as possible after bringing your puppy home. The younger you start, ulitimatly the easier it will be for your puppy to learn.

Why is Potty Training Important?

Potty training is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, it is a basic life skill that every puppy needs to learn.

In addition, you can help to prevent behavioral problems from developing later in life. If your puppy learns that it is okay to relieve himself indoors, he may continue this behavior even as an adult dog – which can be very difficult to change.

Last but not least, you will save a lot of time and energy cleaning up accidents around the house!

Things that you need Before You Start Potty Training

Now that we’ve talked about what potty training is and why it’s important let’s go over some of the things you will need before you start.

The most important thing you will need is patience. It does take time, and there will inevitably be accidents along the way. It is vital to remain calm and positive throughout the process – your puppy will pick up on your energy, making a big difference in how quickly they learn.

In addition to patience, you will also need:

  • A designated potty area: This can be a specific spot in your yard or a small patch of grass nearby. Please choose an area that is easily accessible for your puppy, and make sure it is far away from where they sleep and there eating areas.
  • Puppy pads or newspaper: Puppy pads are absorbent mats that can be placed in your designated potty area. They are often used in the early stages of potty training. Newspaper can also be used, but some puppies may mistake it for something to chew on rather than relieve themselves on.
  • A leash: A leash will help take your puppy to and from their designated potty area.
  • Treats: the treats are a great way to start rewarding your puppy for doing their business in the right spot!

Now that you have everything you need let’s move on to the step-by-step process.

Step 1. Choose a Designated Potty Area

The first step in potty training your American Bully puppy is to choose a designated potty area. This should be an accessible area for your puppy to access and where you can easily supervise him. This is where your puppy’s potty pad is.

Some people prefer to use a specific room in their homes, such as the laundry room or bathroom. Others prefer to take their puppy outside to a particular spot in the yard. House training sessions are not easy to sustain. We recommend having a designated potty area outside that can easily be maintained.

Choose the method works best for you and your puppy – make sure that the potty area is always clean and accessible.

Step 2. Prepare Your Puppy’s Potty Area

Once you have chosen a designated potty area, it is time to prepare it for your puppy. If you are using a room in your home, make sure that all floorings are covered with absorbent material such as newspapers or puppy pads.

If you are taking your puppy outside to relieve himself, choose an area that is grassy and free of debris. its worth consider investing in a portable potty box or pen.

Puppies have an instinct to avoid soiling their sleeping and eating areas. By preparing a specific potty area for your puppy, you will help him to understand where he should go to relieve himself.

Step 3. Take Your Puppy to the Potty Area Regularly

The next step is to take your puppy to the potty area regularly – at least once every hour. It is essential to be consistent with all of this so that your puppy can learn when it is time to go potty. If you are not able take your puppy out every hour, then try to take him out as often as possible. The more frequently he goes, the faster he will learn.

In addition, make sure to take your puppy to the potty area after naps, meals, and play sessions. These are all times when puppies typically need to relieve themselves.

Taking your puppy out regularly will help him learn when it is time to go potty.

Step 4. Start a Potty Training Schedule

The fourth step is to start a potty training schedule. This will help keep you and your puppy on track during this process.

To create a potty training schedule, choose specific times of day when you will take your puppy to the designated potty area. For example, you may want to take him out first thing in the morning, after naps, and before bedtime.

It is essential to be consistent with the schedule – try not to miss any scheduled potty breaks. If you are having any trouble at all sticking to the plan, consider setting the alarm or reminder on your phone. A potty training schedule will help keep you and your puppy on track during this process.

Step 5. When Your Puppy Goes Potty, Reward Him

The fifth and final step to getting you dog potty trained, is to reward your puppy when he goes potty. This helps to reinforce good behavior and motivate him to continue using the potty area.

Some people prefer to use treats as a reward, while others prefer verbal praise or petting. Choose a method works best for you and your puppy. Just make sure that the rewards are given immediately after your puppy has finished going potty.

Rewarding your puppy when he goes potty will help to reinforce good behavior and motivate him to continue using the potty area.

Other Methods of Potty Training

Aside from the step-by-step guide above, you can use a few other methods to potty train your American Bully puppy.

One popular method is crate training. This involves confining your puppy to a small space, such as a crate or pen, when he is not being supervised. Puppies will typically avoid soiling their sleeping area, which can be an effective way to help them learn to hold their bladder.

Another method is called the Puppy Apartment. This type of crate is divided into two sections – one for sleeping and one for relieving himself. The Puppy Apartment can be an effective potty training tool because it gives puppies the freedom to move around while still confining them to a small space.

Another training method is called the Bell Method. This involves teaching your puppy to ring a bell when he needs to go potty. Once he learns to ring the bell, you can take him outside to relieve himself. The Bell Method can be an effective way to potty train your American Bully puppy because it gives him a way to communicate his needs to you.

Potty Training Tips

Here are a few additional tips to help you with the potty training process:

  • Be patient. It may take several weeks – or even months – for your puppy to use the potty area consistently. Do not get discouraged if there are accidents along the way.
  • Keep a close eye on your puppy. He likely needs to go potty if you see him sniffing around or circling in an area. Take him to the designated potty area immediately to relieve himself. Also, teach your puppy some basic commands.
  • Avoid using punishment if accidents occur. This will only serve to confuse and scare your puppy. Instead, focus on rewarding good behavior.

Benefits of Potty Training Your Puppy

Potty training your puppy has several benefits. Here are a few of the most important ones:

  • This is essential in your puppy’s development It helps your puppy learn how to control his bladder and bowels.
  • It will end up saveing you time and money in the long run- Accidents are a part of life, but if you potty train your puppy correctly, you will have fewer accidents to clean up.
  • It will make your life easier- A well-trained puppy is a happy puppy (and a happier owner!).
  • It will help your puppy be more independent- Once he knows how to use the potty area, he will be able to hold it for more extended periods. This means that you won’t have to take him out as often.
  • Your puppy will create a strong foundation for future obedience training- A potty trained puppy is more likely to be responsive to other basic obedience commands.

Common Problems during Potty Training

There are a few common problems that can occur during potty training. Here are just a handful of the most common ones:

  • Inconsistency- If you are not consistent with the potty training process, your puppy will get confused and will not learn as quickly. Be sure to take him out at the exact times each day and reward him immediately after going potty.
  • Lack of Patience- Potty training takes time and patience. Do not get discouraged if there are accidents along the way. Keep working with your puppy, and he will eventually get the hang of it.
  • Too Much Freedom- Giving your puppy too much freedom too soon can be a recipe for disaster. If you give him free rein of the house before he is entirely potty trained, he will likely have accidents. Instead, confine him to a small area until he is fully trained.
  • Potty training your puppy can be a challenging – but rewarding – process. Be consistent, patient, and reward good behavior along the way. With a little bit of hard work and practicing positive reinforcement in your training sessions, you will have a well-trained bully pup!

Potty Training Warning Signs

A few warning signs may indicate that your American bully dog is not ready to be potty trained. If you ever notice any of these, it is best to wait a while before starting the potty training process:

  • Your Bully is less than eight weeks old. Puppies younger than eight weeks old cannot control their bladder and bowels as well as older puppies. It is best to wait until they are older before beginning the training.
  • Your puppy is sick or injured. If your puppy is ill or injured, he may not be able to control his bladder and bowels as usual. It is best to wait until he has recovered before beginning the training.
  • You just got your puppy. It is best to wait just a few days – or even a week – to get to know your puppy before starting potty training. This will help you to understand his needs and habits better.


Here are a handful of the frequently asked questions about potty training your dog:

How long does it take to potty train a Bully puppy?

The length of time it can take to potty train a puppy varies depending on the individual puppy. Some puppies learn quickly, while others may take longer. Be patient and consistent, and your puppy will learn in no time.

What is the best age to start the training a puppy?

The best age to start training a puppy for most dog breeds is around eight weeks old. This is when they can control their bladder and bowels better than younger puppies.

What should I do if my puppy has an accident?

If your puppy has an accident, the best thing to do is clean it up immediately. Be sure to use a safe cleaning product for pets, as some cleaners can be harmful if ingested.

After you have cleaned up the accident, take your puppy outside to his potty area and encourage him to go potty. If the dog does not go, then bring him back inside and try again in a few minutes.

What should I do if my Bully refuses to go potty outside?

If your puppy refuses to go potty outside, there are a few things you can try:

  • Take him out more frequently – at least every hour or so.
  • Encourage him with treats or praise when he goes potty outside.
  • Make sure his potty area is clean and inviting.
  • Give him just a few minutes to sniff around and explore before asking him to go potty.

If all else fails, consult with a professional trainer or behaviorist for help.

Final Thoughts

So, now that you know more about the ins and outs of potty training an American bully puppy, it’s time to get started. Be patient, consistent, and positive with your pup, and give them plenty of praise (and maybe a treat or two) when they make progress. With a little bit of effort on your part, soon, you’ll have a house-trained bully that will make you proud!

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