There is much excitement when an American bully announces they are pregnant! It can be a confusing time for owners though, trying to figure out what the signs and stages of pregnancy look like in their bully.
Due to this dog’s size and innate muscular structure, it is crucial to be aware of the different stages of pregnancy so you can provide your bully with the best possible care.
This article will help clear things up a bit and provide some tips for taking care of your expectant bully momma.
How Do You Know If Your American Bully is Pregnant?
It is crucial to know when a momma dog is pregnant so that you can provide the best care possible for her and her developing puppies. Early detection of momma dog pregnancy allows owners to secure necessities in the near future.
The following are observable signs to look for:
Morning Sickness:
Just like with human pregnancy, female dogs experience nausea and vomiting during the early stages. This is usually caused by hormonal changes and should subside after the first few weeks.
Morning sickness is one of the earliest signs of a dog’s pregnancy.
Pregnant Dog’s Appetite
Decreased appetite in the early stages or first few weeks is not uncommon and is often attributed to morning sickness. However, if your bully momma’s lack of appetite persists or she begins to vomit, this could be a sign of something more serious and you should consult your veterinarian immediately.
On the other hand, as her pregnancy progresses and she enters the second half, expect the pregnant dog’s appetite to increase significantly and gain weight.
Enlarged Abdomen
One of the most visible signs of pregnancy is a dog’s belly or swollen abdomen. Dog’s abdomen enlarges as the puppies grow and develop inside. This usually becomes noticeable around weeks four to five of pregnancy but can vary depending on the number of puppies she is carrying.
Nesting Behavior
As your bully momma’s due date approaches, you may notice her exhibiting nesting behaviors such as digging, pacing, or restless sleeping.
This is completely normal and is your dog’s way of preparing for the upcoming whelping.
If you notice this behavior, be sure to provide her with a safe and comfortable place to nest.
Increased Urination
A pregnant bitch can experience increased water intake will result in more frequent trips outside to relieve herself.
This is due to the increase in blood volume and the kidneys working overtime to filter it all.
Weight Gain
Sudden weight gain is another sign that your American bully is pregnant. Puppies add weight gradually throughout the course of the pregnancy, so you may not notice it until the last few weeks.
However, if you suspect your dog’s pregnancy, it’s best to take her to the vet so they can confirm with an x-ray.
Dog’s Nipples
The female Dog’s nipples can be an indicator of pregnancy as they will darken, swell, and become more prominent during these nine weeks.
In addition, the areola (the area around the nipple) will also enlarge and may even secrete a small amount of colostrum (a pre-milk substance that is essential for newborn puppies).
These signs, especially during the early pregnancy stage are not always conclusive as they can be caused by other factors such as weight gain, hormonal changes, or even just excitement. The only way to confirm a pregnancy is through a vet visit and an x-ray.
Other female dogs may exhibit a few of these signs, but false pregnancy is much more common in American bullies.
What is False Pregnancy?
False pregnancy is when a female dog has all the symptoms and signs of being pregnant but is not actually carrying any puppies. This may include milk production, weight gain, nesting behavior, and even false labor.
If you think your American bully is pregnant, the best thing to do is to take her to the vet for an examination. This will help determine if she is actually pregnant or just experiencing a false pregnancy. Watch for the warning signs!
While this condition is more common in American bullies, it can happen to most dogs.
Confirming Your Female Dog is Pregnant
Long are dogs pregnant stages, confirming a dog is pregnant is not always easy. Some warning signs may not ascertain if your dog is pregnant.
Here are the ways to confirm your momma dog pregnancy:
Hormone Test
A hormone test is the most common and vets will use it as a way to confirm if your bully is pregnant.
This test measures the level of relaxin in your dog’s blood. Relaxin is a hormone that is only present during pregnancy and peaks around 30 days after breeding.
Blood Tests
A blood test is another way to measure the level of relaxin in your bully’s system. This test can be done as early as 18 days after breeding to confirm a bully dog pregnancy.
Palpitation is when the vet uses their hands to feel the dog’s abdomen for any developing puppies.
This can usually be done around day 21 of the dog pregnancy and is more accurate the closer you are today 40.
An x-ray is the most conclusive way to determine if your bully is pregnant.
This can usually be done around day 35 of the pregnancy and will show how many puppies are present.
An ultrasound can also be used to confirm a pregnant bitch, but is not as common as x-rays.
This is usually done around day 28 and will show the developing puppies and the number of expected puppies.
A dog pregnancy is a relatively short process compared to other pets, but it’s important to be aware of the signs and stages so you can properly care for
Pregnancy Stages
Another key factor to ensuring a pregnant dog and her puppies are healthy is understanding her pregnancy stages.
There are three main stages of pregnancy in dogs which are:
Early Stages of Pregnancy (0-28 days)
The early stages of pregnancy are the most delicate and critical time for the developing puppies. During this time, the puppies are growing and developing rapidly inside their mother’s womb.
The early stages of pregnancy are also when most miscarriages and birth defects occur.
It is important to make sure your bully is getting proper nutrition and exercise during this time to ensure the health of her and her puppies.
Middle Stages of Pregnancy (29-49 days)
The middle stages of pregnancy are when the puppies continue to grow and develop.
During this time, the mother’s body will also start to change as she begins to gain weight and her nipples will start to enlarge.
It is important to make sure your bully is getting proper nutrition and exercise during this time to ensure the health of her and her puppies.
Late Stages of Pregnancy (50-65 days)
The final stage of pregnancy is when the puppies are fully developed and are ready to be born.
During this time, the mother’s body will continue to change as she gains more weight and her nipples will become even larger.
It is important to make sure your bully is getting proper nutrition and exercise during this time to ensure the health of her and her puppies.
Can Xl Bully Give Birth Naturally-Giving Birth
The final stage of pregnancy is when the mother dog will give birth to her puppies. In the last trimester, placental tissue and fluid accumulate in the uterus. The dam’s body will reabsorb some of this fluid a few days prior to parturition but the amount of fluid present will determine whether the birth is easy or difficult.
The average litter size for American bullies is between six to ten puppies. Large litter sizes are not uncommon and can often be upwards of fifteen puppies. The delivery process usually takes between two to four hours, but can sometimes take longer.
It is important to make sure the mother dog has a clean and comfortable place to deliver her puppies.
Preparing for Birthing and the New Puppies
Birthing is a very exciting time, but it is also a lot of work. This final stage of pregnancy is when the mother dog will give birth to her puppies.
The delivery process usually takes between two to four hours, but can sometimes take longer.
It is important to make sure the mother dog has a clean and comfortable place to deliver her puppies.
Seven Signs that Your Dog is About to Give Birth
Giving birth will be a very exciting time for you and your family, but it’s important to be prepared. There are several signs that indicate a dog is about to give birth.
Some of these signs include:
- Nesting: The mother dog will start to nest and prepare a comfortable area for her to deliver her puppies. Dog pregnancy nesting usually occurs a week or two before delivery.
- Enlarged nipples: The mother dog’s nipples will become enlarged and may leak milk. Dog gestation periods are short, so this is one of the last signs that will occur. The gestation period of mother dogs may also vary on how many puppies are being born.
- Restlessness: The mother dog may become restless and pace around as she gets closer to giving birth.
- Loss of Appetite: The mother dog may lose her appetite as she gets closer to giving birth. Smaller meals are consumed during this period which might affect her healthy weight.
- Discharge: The mother dog’s vaginal discharge makes her be often and more watery as she gets closer to giving birth. Fluid-filled sacs may also be expelled during this time.
- Temperature Drop: The mother dog’s rectal temperature will drop below 100 degrees Fahrenheit a day or two before she gives birth.
- Contractions: The mother dog may start to have contractions as she gets closer to giving birth. Birth canal dilation will also be evident during this time. Blood flow to the vulva also increases which will result in a red, swollen area.
Other signs may include:
- Panting
- Shivering
- Licking her vulva
Following signs of when your dog is about to give birth will help you be better prepared for this momentous event. If you notice these latter signs of pregnancy, it is important to contact your veterinarian
Necessary Whelping Supply Checklist
Whelping, or the process of giving birth, is an exciting time for any dog owner. Knowing what supplies you need ahead of time will help to whelp go smoothly and be less stressful for both you and your dog.
Here is a list of necessary supplies
- A clean, comfortable place for your dog to deliver her puppies. This could be a whelping box, crate, or other enclosed quiet place.
- A heat lamp to keep the area warm.
- Puppy food and water.
- A supply of clean towels.
- A pediatrician scale to weigh the puppies.
- An emergency kit includes items such as gloves, forceps, sterile scissors, and a bulb syringe.
- A digital thermometer to take the mother’s temperature.
- Your veterinarian’s phone number is on hand in case of any complications.
Preparing ahead of time with this whelping supply checklist will help make the birthing process go smoothly for both you and your dog
Taking Care of Pregnant Dog
Finding she’s pregnant is an exciting time for any dog owner, especially for the first puppy, but it’s important to know how to take care when a dog is pregnant.
Nutrition and Diet
During pregnancy, it’s important to provide a well-balanced diet for the mother dogs. This means food that is rich in nutrients and calories to help the development of the puppies
- The upper limit of 25% protein and fat in the diet
- The lower limit of 16% fiber
A pregnant dog should eat small meals more often rather than two large meals a day. This helps to prevent bloat, which can be dangerous for both the mother dogs and puppies.
Strenuous exercise should be avoided during pregnancy as it can lead to complications such as premature labor. However, moderate exercise is still important for the mother dog’s body and dogs health.
Veterinary Care
Dog pregnancy usually lasts between 58 and 68 days. However, it’s important to take the mother dog for regular checkups with a vet during pregnancy to ensure everything goes well on dogs pregnant and healthy puppies.
Dog’s body during dog’s pregnancy may suffer some changes and it’s important to be aware of these in order to help your dog during this special time.
No two dogs are exactly the same, so it’s important to pay attention to your dog and how she is acting during pregnancy. Always consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns.
Consideration in Finding a Veterinarian
When you find out your dog is pregnant, the first step is to find a good veterinarian who can help you throughout the pregnancy and delivery.
Many breeders in the first week of a dog’s pregnancy confirmation find a vet and make the first step for their female dog and future healthy puppies. Securing their well-being, especially in the first week thru the expertise of a vet is very important.
There are a few things to keep in mind when looking for a veterinarian:
- Find a vet who has experience with pregnant dogs and delivering puppies.
- Look for a vet who is familiar with the American Bully breed.
- Find a vet who is willing to answer any questions or concerns you have about the pregnancy and delivery process.
- Find a vet who offers 24/hour emergency care in case of any complications.
The American Bully is a relatively new breed, so not all veterinarians have experience with them. However, there are many resources available to help you find a qualified veterinarian in your area.
ABKC Support on Pregnant Bully Dog
The American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC) is a great resource for finding a qualified veterinarian. The ABKC maintains a list of veterinarians who are familiar with the American Bully breed and can provide care for pregnant dogs and deliver puppies.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) also maintains a list of veterinarians who are familiar with the American Bully breed.
Your local animal shelter or rescue organization may also be able to recommend a qualified veterinarian in your area.
FAQs on Dog’s Pregnancy
Q: How often should I take my pregnant dog to the vet?
A: You should take your pregnant dog to the vet for a checkup at least once a week during the first trimester and twice a week during the second and third trimesters.
Q: What are some signs that my dog is pregnant?
A: Some signs that your dog is pregnant include nesting, weight gain, changes in appetite, and increased urination.
Q: How much food should I feed my pregnant dog?
A: You should feed your pregnant dog small meals more often rather than two large meals a day. This helps to prevent bloat, which can be dangerous for both the mother dog and puppies.
Q: Can I give my pregnant dog vitamins?
A: You should consult with your veterinarian before giving your pregnant dog any vitamins or supplements.